Thursday 1 September 2016


August is a transition time for the bird work on BI. During August the last surveys are done for the 2015/16 season and final preparations are made for the first surveys of the 2016/17, which start on the 1st September.
Pipits survive the winter foraging along the water line; as our only songbird when they start calling it is a wonderful sign of spring!
With the final pintail counts completed in August and final all-island checks of the wanal chicks completed by, or on, the 1st September it certainly feels like the end of a season. Working with the wanals is a particular highlight at this time of year as the chicks start to develop their feathers and become a bit more adventurous, leaving the nest and starting to wander around!
The fluffy chicks are getting bigger
But unfortunately, despite now being on the lookout for signs of it, spring certainly isn't here just yet! The snow and ice are still in control of the island and trudging through it all on our surveys can be a challenge at times - especially when we still manage to find holes, some of which are head height!
Lucy enjoyed watching me try and climb out of a 6ft hole!
Of course, if we ever needed confirmation that winter is still very much holding on to BI all we need to do is look out the window! Leopard seals have been around in good numbers recently, on occasion we have had up to 6 leps hauled out within view of our front door!
The leprasaurus' always look so happy with themselves!
It's a hard life for a lep!
It is not just the leps either. There are some birds that are clinging on to the winter conditions as well with terns in good numbers feeding in the bays and even the occasional snow petrel (also referred to as snope) feeding on the waters surface.
Terns and snopes looking for food
Despite seeing the snow, ice and winter wildlife we can say that spring is at least on its way though as we have had the first actual sign of the new season beginning - the northern giant petrels are pairing up and starting to mate!
Northern geeps are getting ready for the new season
It won't be long now until the mollymawks start returning, the gentoos start nesting and come October we will see sooties and the return of the macs! It really is beginning to feel like the season is changing - if only the snow and ice would recognise that as well!!
The sun occasionally tries to bring on spring, I'm sure it'll get there eventually!

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